Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Solar Eclipse

As you may or may not know on Wednesday the 14th of November we were lucky enough to experience a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between earth and the sun. This rarely happens. When we found out this was happening we went up to the Tawa College field where some students and teachers had set up special telescopes to look at the eclipse. We had to use telescopes and special glasses because you are unable to see the eclipse with out them, because it is so bright. When we looked at the eclipse this is what we saw -

As you can see in the picture above the black circle is the moon and the light coming out from behind is obviously the sun. We were very lucky to be able to see this solar eclipse because there might not be another one in our lifetime.

By Jenna

Rippa Rugby

In P.E we are doing rippa rugby and we have made class teams so we can have a tournament in our syndicate. The teams are girls, boys and mixed. We have been practising and our Room 5 girls are good but not quite good enough for the Room 6 girls who seem to be the favourite to win! We are going to start the tournament late this week or early next and the move onto to racket skills. We still need to work on playing to the rules as some people are so used to fending that it just happens! But its not allowed! Well hopefully we can pull off a win without any rule breaking...
Until next time,

Emily, Room 5

Monday, November 19, 2012

Ki O Rahi

 Huia has been playing a game called Ki O Rahi. There are a few legends around it and lately it's been resurrected from school to school. It's fun, good exercise, challenging and easy to learn and play.  This video below is a 'how to play' video of  Ki O Rahi and to the top of this writing is a comic legend of the game. It is called The Legend of Rahitutakahina/Rahi

Our Arohatia Te Reo video


As you may know Huia went on camp in week 2. We were the second syndicate to go on camp so we had only Pouakai to tell us what it was like. Our 3 lovely parent helpers were Anna's dad Pat, Imogen's dad Stuart and Becca's mum Debbie. There was obviously Mrs Goldfinch as well and without these helpers camp couldn't happen. So to start with we caught the train to Masterton. We were staying at the cabins first, so we put our luggage in the cabins and met our leaders for the week. Our leaders were Chelsea, Pete and Suze. Our first activity was the rock climbing wall. It was really fun! There were 3 different parts to it: the rock climbing walls, the big swing (which was really really fun) and a small abseiling wall. Our second activity was the High and Low ropes course. We split off into two groups and my group went to the low ropes course first, where we went along on ropes with spotters on either side. We also played a game which was based on the Titanic. The high ropes course was also very fun. It was about 20 metres in the air and you fly on a flying fox to the end. Our first day's activities were very fun and we finished off the day with a trip to the pools and beef stroganoff for dinner.

The next day we packed up and headed to our next activities, which were rafting and abseiling. We  had to split into two groups again and my group did rafting first. We got into wetsuits and life jackets etc and headed to the river. It was so cool; the best activity by far. The aim was (as long as you were in deep water and not rapids) to splash people with your paddles, jump on other rafts and pull people into the water. The abseiling was next and it was nearly 30 metres high! It was quite scary but getting over the edge is the hardest part. After we had finished our day's activities, we headed to the tent site. We had burgers for tea and stood around the fire.

Day 3 was upon us and the first thing we had to do was carry all the gear to the bivvy site. It was a good 30 - 45 minute walk away, so it was really hard. Once we were there, we had a break and then we headed off up Mount Holdsworth for the day. It was tiring climbing the mountain, but once up, the view was great. About 2/3 of the class went another way down the hill and after 2 hours of walking down we realised we were lost. Yikes! But just under an hour later we found our way and we were back to the Dolloney flats (where the bivvy site was) in no time. We made our bivvy's and judged them. We then swam in the river and ate a delicious dinner of sausages and noodles. After that, we played spotlight and toasted marshmallows on the fire. Yum!

Day 4 was here and our last day's activities were flying fox and caving. So we arrived at the location, walked through lots of sheep poo and over pot holes. When we found the cave and flying fox, we then split into 2 groups my group went into the caves first. The caves were cold, damp and dark but also good fun. We climbed up a waterfall (with no water flowing down it obviously), climbed through very claustrophobic places and turned off our torches to look at the glow worms. They were awesome! Then it was lunch time and on to the flying fox. We walked up quite a steep little hill until we got to the platform. I decided to go first. It was really cool! You go really fast back down the hill and over a river. You then have to walk back over the river and climb up the hill. It was a really fun way to end the awesome activity and time with classmates we had just experienced. Then we carried the gear back to the bus, got in a circle and said what our favourite activity was from the whole camp. I think rafting was the obvious favourite. Off to the Masterton train station we went, and then home. I had a great time and I think everyone had a great time too, but even though it was so fun it was great to be home and sleeping in our own beds!!!

By Jenna!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Scott's Camp Prezi

Chris' Camp Prezi

Camp prezi - Jenna and Roshani

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Knuckling down

We are all knuckling down and getting our MacDougall poetry and speeches done. Also we are getting our e-asTTLe tests done in reading and maths. I have also been away so I have a lot of catching up to do! We are trying to fit in with our coughs and colds and being away from school.
We are also doing a couple of different things in P.E. so this all will be very interesting.
Until next time,
Emily, Room 5

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The new and improved room 5!

Just before we went to camp we moved back into room 5 which the builders had just finished with. We moved in and found we have a cool new sprinkler system and a glass siding door and window out to the corridor. We have placed or stuff around the room as it was before and we have found that the room feels bigger by a lot! As we are getting back into the swing of thing we are getting used to being in our classroom again. We are all looking forward to knuckling down and getting all our end of year work done.

Until next time

Emily, Room 5

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